The Bone on Bone Secret
Natural Solution for Pain-Free Living
This simple, science-backed, pain-relief protocol has been proven effective in thousands of patients previously failed by conventional medicine. Learn how to:
✔ Relieves arthritis
✔ Relaxes tight muscles
✔ Unlocks pain-free range of motion
✔ Feel like yourself again
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The Bone
On Bone Secret
The Bone On Bone Secret
Natural Solution for Pain-Free Living
This simple, science-backed, pain-relief protocol has been proven effective in thousands of patients previously failed by conventional medicine. Learn how to:
Relieves arthritis
Relaxes tight muscles
Unlocks pain-free range of motion
Feel like yourself again
✔ Relieves arthritis
✔ Relaxes tight muscles
✔ Unlocks pain-free range of motion
✔ Feel like yourself again

Natural and Holistic
Pain-Relieving Breakthroughs
on Every Page
- The S.U.R.F Method for complete and permanent pain relief. How to do these 4 simple movements in minutes per day from the comfort of your own home. These movements can be done by anyone regardless of pain severity. Proven effective in thousands of patients (page 124).
- How NSAIDs can actually make your pain worse by shutting off this crucial healing switch in your body (page 4)
- Are imaging scans a scam? Why MRIs and X-rays often get the true source of your chronic pain WRONG (page 11)
- The “Comfort Food” Framework. This simple and satisfying eating plan can help restore comfort and mobility to your joints (page 68)
- And so much more!
Here’s what you’ll uncover inside ‘The Bone On Bone Secret’:
The S.U.R.F. Method:
The Simple 4 Movement Protocol for
Fixing Chronic Pain at the Source
The Simple 4
Movement Protocol
for Fixing Chronic
Pain at the Source

The S.U.R.F. method consists of a series of 4 simple movements that must be performed in a specific sequence for best results.While you may have seen some of these movements before, we can guarantee you’ve never seen this protocol. And that’s because this protocol was previously reserved for Dr. Josh’s personal clients.But now he’s revealing it publicly for the first time ever in The Bone on Bone Secret.
The magic of the S.U.R.F. method is not the individual movements. No, the real magic is the sequence in which they’re done to tackle the root cause of your pain.
PLUS, Your Order Today Will Also Include
8 FREE Digital Download Bonuses
($163 Value)… Available Instantly!
PLUS, Your Order Today Will Also Include 8 FREE Digital Download Bonuses ($163 Value)… Available Instantly!

The Comfort Food Meal Plan
($29.99 Value)
As you may know, what you eat has a major impact on pain and inflammation.
That’s why Dr. Josh goes into great detail about the best anti-inflammatory foods to eat inside The Bone on Bone Secret.
In this bonus guide, you’re getting 21 mouth-watering recipes to help reduce inflammation…stabilize your blood sugar…and satisfy your appetite.

These recipes are quick, easy, and taste AMAZING. Here’s a sneak peak at some of the delicious recipes included:
- Sweet potato waffles
- Huevos rancheros
- Vegan shepherd’s pie
- Gnocchi with summer squash
- Thai salad with garlic sesame dressing
And don’t worry, we have plenty of guilt-free options to satisfy your sweet tooth too:
- Salted caramel coconut bliss balls
- Power packed fudge
- Peanut butter cookies

This guide also includes a simple 7 day meal plan to help you get the best results.Not only will this comfort food meal plan help you relieve your pain while enjoying food again…But it could help you slim down as well if you follow it consistently.


The ‘SMART’ Scan for Instant Tension Release
($14.99 Value)
As you know, muscle tension is one of the primary sources for ongoing, chronic pain.
This SMART scan is one of Dr. Josh’s favorite ways to release painful muscle tension from your entire body.
It combines several of the best mind-body practices into 1 simple and effective strategy.
You can easily do this at home in just minutes per day. Combine this proven technique with the SURF movements for even faster tension release!

The Daily Gratitude and Awe Journal
($29.99 Value)
Believe it or not, feeling gratitude is scientifically proven to help relieve pain.
One multi-university study of people with chronic hip and knee pain showed remarkable results.
The group who practiced gratitude every day enjoyed significantly more improvement in pain, morning stiffness, and ability to function compared to the group who did not practice gratitude.
This daily gratitude journal only takes a couple minutes of your time each day. Not only can it help reduce your pain, but it will help you feel happier as well!


Follow the Science. References and Research for All-Natural Pain Relief
($14.99 Value)
This exclusive report can help silence even the most skeptical doctor when it comes to natural pain relief.
Many conventional doctors scoff at the idea of taking supplements for pain.
That’s only because they’re ill-informed.In this report, we cover some of the key studies that prove certain herbs and vitamins are effective for pain relief.
We review these studies in easy-to-understand language.
Not only can you use this info to make an informed decision on which herbs are best for you…
But you can use it to educate your doctor if he or she tries to convince you supplements don’t work.

Sci-Fi Pain Relief
($14.99 Value)
Not all medical treatments are useless when it comes to relieving chronic pain. There are actually some newer and innovative methodologies in the works.
We would be remiss if we left these out. Again, our goal is to give you a truly holistic view when it comes to managing your pain.
Inside this report, you’ll learn about cutting edge technologies in the fields of regenerative medicine, stem cells, peptides and more.
While these aren’t the first-line recommendations you’ll find inside The Bone on Bone Secret…
These are promising strategies that may become helpful at some point. Now you’ll be the first to know about them!


Tape Your Pain Away: How to Use K-Tape for Rapid Relief
($14.99 Value)
This exclusive report can help silence even the most skeptical doctor when it comes to natural pain relief.
Many conventional doctors scoff at the idea of taking supplements for pain. That’s only because they’re ill-informed.
In this report, we cover some of the key studies that prove certain herbs and vitamins are effective for pain relief. We review these studies in easy-to-understand language.
Not only can you use this info to make an informed decision on which herbs are best for you…
But you can use it to educate your doctor if he or she tries to convince you supplements don’t work.

Stand Up For Yourself: Why Improving Your Balance is Key to a Long and Healthy Life
($29.99 Value)
Can you balance on one leg for at least 10 seconds?
If not, you could have an 84% increased risk of death!
That may sound crazy, but it’s true.Brazilian researchers conducted a balance study in 1,700 people.
They gave them this ‘stand on one leg’ balance test.

20% of the participants couldn’t do it.
The researchers then tracked the health of all study participants over the next 7 years. To their shock, the people who failed this balance test had an 84% higher risk of dying during the 7 year follow up!
Simply put, good balance is linked to longevity.
And when it comes to pain relief, good balance is an absolute must. It helps correct musculoskeletal misalignments.
In this bonus, Dr. Josh shows you his favorite exercises for restoring good balance. This is your secret weapon for faster and more profound pain relief. Plus, it could help boost your longevity too!


Dr. Josh’s Top Product Picks
($14.99 Value)
In this bonus report, Dr. Josh shares his favorite product selections to aid you in your pain relief journey.
From trigger point release balls…to foam rollers…to k-tape…to self-massagers and more.
Now you won’t have to worry about whether you’re buying a quality product or not. Dr. Josh has done the homework for you.

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